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Mother-Child Program

The program is dedicated to providing support, stability and security to incarcerated mothers and their child(ren).

How does this program help?

The Mother-Child program is a separate, one-bedroom apartment for women involved in the Federal justice system. The program is dedicated to providing support, stability and security to incarcerated mothers and their child(ren). This program is committed to assisting clients in need, with compassion and respect. Through the establishment of a supportive relationship, our clients will begin the journey towards a pro-social reintegration into the community as well as becoming effective parents.

This program aims to provide a supportive environment that endorses stability and security for the mother-child relationship and reduces recidivism. The main focus of the program is to prevent or reduce trauma as a result of parent/child separation. 

To provide community resources and referrals which will enable women to reintegrate with more ease.

What can this program do?

This program offers women a realistic environment to parent their child(ren) within a safe, secure scope. It eases the challenges women with children face when released from an institution, pregnant or with younger children. The program offers mothers all the material items they need to rear a young child. Residents of this program have regular and consistent access to Ellen House staff.

What services does this program provide?

This program provides women reintegrating into the community with a structured environment to participate in their child’s growth and development. Women in this program are provided all the support to build parental connections and relationships to reduce trauma and child separation. Residents of this program have access to all the programs and support offered through E FRY and Ellen House. 

Who is eligible?

Women who are 18 years of age or older and who are pregnant or have custody of a young child. The Mother-Child Program is offered to women involved in the Federal justice system who have been released on a condition sentence. Women interested in this program must first be accepted to the Ellen House program. Referrals can be sent to the Residential Coordinator or Assistant Manager of Residential and Reintegration Services.

Who can I contact for More Information?

Head Office

E FRY Hope and Help for Women
44 Peel Centre Drive, Suite 200
Brampton, ON  L6T 4B5
Tel: 905-459-1315
Fax: 905-459-1322

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