Building Resiliency in Girls (BRG)
A gender-responsive prevention/intervention based program that serves to address the social, emotional and cultural needs of adolescent girls.

How does this program help?
BRG is a gender-responsive prevention / intervention based program that serves to address the social, emotional, and cultural needs of adolescent girls.
What Can this program do?
The program aims to respond to issues such as social isolation, violence, poor self-esteem, distorted body image as well as high risk behaviour. The program is designed to build self-esteem, foster pro-social behaviours, develop personal and collective skills, establish meaningful relationships and cultivate a healthy female identity.
What services does this program provide?
BRG is run in a group format, consisting 8-12 weekly sessions that run approximately 1-2 hours in length. This structured support model counters social isolation by providing at-risk youth in the community with a safe and confidential space in which they can share their personal experiences and express their emotions through discussion and creative activities.
Who is eligible?
Girls or those who identify as a girl between the ages of 12-18.
Who can I contact for more information?
Mississauga Office
BRG Group Facilitator
E FRY Hope and Help for Women
5170 Dixie Road, Suite 206
Telephone: 905-624-1755 ext. 425
Phone/Text: 416-627-3701