Pre-Disposition Community Service

What can this program do?

The Pre-Disposition Community Service Program is a program designed to assist individuals who are in conflict with the law, and are recommended by the justice, counsel, the Crown Attorney or the individuals themselves who feel that they should take an active part in the community by performing community service hours.  

This program will require the individual to perform a minimum of 25 hours of community service at a not-for-profit registered charity assigned by a caseworker from the E FRY Hope and Help for Women. The hours are completed and properly verified, and a letter will be supplied to the individual from the E FRY Hope and Help for Women upon completion of the community service hours.

Who is eligible?

 Individuals who would like to participate in the program are generally referred by their counsel, a justice, Crown Attorney, or themselves.  You must be 16 years+, including adults over the age of 18, and are not seeking community service through a probation order or other community service programs such as Alternative Measures, Direct Accountability, etc.

Pre-Disposition Community Service is a fee-for-service program = $175.00.

Who can I contact for more information?

Tricia Sampson Manager of Community Engagement and Volunteer Programs
Telephone/Text: 905-459-1315
44 Peel Centre Drive, Suite 200
Brampton, ON L6T 4B5

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